The Confidence of Investors

Investors are increasingly becoming interested in the future potential of SDB bank, rather than its past performance. As a result, non-financial information – information not captured in the balance sheets – is becoming more and more relevant for ascertaining the Bank’s future potential. Accordingly, we have enhanced our disclosures of non-financial information in this integrated annual report which will provide clarity on the Bank’s path into the future and contribute towards investor confidence.

Consisting of dialogue between SDB bank and the financial markets, investor relations comprises information that helps the investment community make judgements about the Bank’s market value vis-a-vis its potential and sustainability. The feedback received from investors and the market also provides valuable insight to the Bank in strategic decision-making.

We ensure active investor engagement so that the market is able to make sound decisions on their current and probable future shareholdings and investments in other securities.

The Annual General Meeting is SDB bank’s primary platform for communicating the Bank’s performance. The Annual Report gives detailed, yet succinct information on its activities, use of its different forms of capital and its responsible social capital involvement. In addition, the Bank has one-on-one interactions with significant investors and releases other publications through the Colombo Stock Exchange.

Using these communications channels, we help investors to gain a balanced view of our operating results, financial position, liquidity and cash flow through the Financial statements. In addition, available disclosures help investors get a reasonable understanding of the Bank’s strategic direction, governance, risk management, and the future business prospects.

By sharing these many facets of information, we expect current and potential investors to gain a better understanding of the value of the Bank and to build and strengthen their relationship with SDB bank.

Accountability, transparency, and good governance remain at the forefront of our operations and the emphasis placed on these aspects in our communications with our investors give them the confidence that the operations are being conducted in line with best practices from around the world.

Our investor relations programme is designed to achieve the following:

  • A competitive price for the Bank’s shares;
  • A healthy level of transactions of the Bank’s shares on the stock exchange;
  • Easier and cheaper access to capital in the future; and
  • Reduced volatility in the share price through maintaining a loyal group of investors.

At SDB bank, we believe that successful investor relations are achieved through regular exchange of information with the market. As a result, such interactions remain integral to our communication strategy.

SDB bank securities


  • Quoted ordinary shares
  • Debentures

Listing details

Quoted ordinary shares

Listed exchange : Colombo Stock Exchange (CSE) Main Board

Sector : Banks, Finance and Insurance

Quoted date : 31 May 2012

Code-ISIN : LK0412N00003

Stock symbol : SDB.N000


Type Code ISIN Par value LKR Coupon rate (Per annum)
Credit rating
B SDB-BD-31/12/20-C2337-10 LK0412D23394 100 10.00 A+(SO)
D SDB-BD-31/12/20-C2339-10.30 LK0412D23378 100 10.30 A-(SO)

Credit ratings

The Bank has obtained credit ratings from Fitch Ratings Lanka Ltd., and ICRA Lanka Limited. The ratings take into consideration the Bank’s performance, asset quality, capitalisation, liquidity and market position among others.

Rating entity Rating
Fitch Ratings Lanka Ltd. BB+(lka) with Stable outlook
ICRA Lanka Limited (SL)BBB- with Stable outlook

Useful links for investors

Information Link (website)
SDB Bank
Colombo Stock Exchange
Central Bank of Sri Lanka
Fitch Ratings Lanka Ltd.
ICRA Lanka Limited

How we create value

Shares and shareholders’ analysis

Share ownership composition

Share range 31 December 2019 31 December 2018
Number of shareholders % Number of shares % Number of shareholders % Number of shares %
1 1,000 35,813 95.49 4,358,723 7.74 36,003 95.63 4,404,185 7.82
1,001 10,000 1,312 3.49 3,684,299 6.54 1,286 3.42 3,556,285 6.32
10,001 100,000 341 0.91 10,200,329 18.12 313 0.83 9,447,858 16.78
100,001 1,000,000 32 0.09 7,634,895 13.56 38 0.10 8,607,818 15.29
1,000,001 and above 8 0.02 30,430,006 54.04 8 0.02 30,292,106 53.79
37,506 100.00 56,308,252 100.00 37,648 100.00 56,308,252 100.00

Analysis of shareholders


31 December 2019 31 December 2018
Number of shareholders % Number of shares % Number of shareholders % Number of shares %
Resident 37,491 99.96 43,684,393 77.58 37,632 99.958 43,693,059 77.596
Non-resident 15 0.04 12,623,859 22.42 16 0.042 12,615,193 22.404
Total 37,506 100.00 56,308,252 100.00 37,648 100.00 56,308,252 100.00


31 December 2019 31 December 2018
Number of Shareholders % Number of shares % Number of shareholders % Number of shares %
Individual 33,901 90.39 9,735,164 17.29 34,060 90.47 16,516,455 29.33
Institutional 3,605 9.61 46,573,088 82.71 3,588 9.53 39,791,797 70.67
Total 37,506 100 56,308,252 100 37,648 100 56,308,252 100

Institutional subanalysis

31 December 2019 31 December 2018
Number of Shareholders % Number of shares % Number of shareholders % Number of shares %
Foreign 4 0.011 12,308,428 21.87 4 0.010 12,289,797 21.83
Local and other institutions 46 0.122 18,681,731 33.18 50 0.133 11,847,519 21.04
Sanasa Federation
Acc 1 1 0.002 720,024 1.27 1 0.002 720,024 1.27
Acc 2 28,439 0.05 28,439 0.05
Sanasa societies 3,394 9.049 8,176,835 14.52 3,372 8.957 7,047,079 12.52
Sanasa unions 34 0.091 1,241,252 2.20 35 0.093 1,242,645 2.21
MPCCS 21 0.056 156,595 0.28 21 0.056 156,595 0.28
Trust companies 105 0.279 5,259,784 9.34 105 0.279 6,459,699 11.47
Total 3,605 9.610 46,573,088 82.71 3,588 9.530 39,791,797 70.67

Top twenty shareholders

No. Name of the shareholder 31 December 2019 31 December 2018
Number of shares % Number of shares %
1. Ayenka Holdings (Pvt) Ltd. 7,028,043 12.48 6,779,840 12.04
2. Seylan Bank PLC/Senthilverl Holdings (Pvt) Ltd.* 6,952,168 12.34 6,936,510 12.32
3. SBI Emerging Asia Financial Sector Fund PTE. LTD 5,045,636 8.96 5,045,636 8.96
4. CB NY S/A International Finance Corporation 4,991,644 8.86 4,991,644 8.86
5. Nederlandse Financierings Maatschappij Voor Ontwikkelingslanden N.V. 2,242,504 3.98 2,242,504 3.98
6. People’s Leasing & Finance PLC 2,094,012 3.72 2,094,012 3.72
7. Kegalle SANASA Shareholders Trust Company Limited 1,039,330 1.85 1,039,330 1.85
8. SANASA General Insurance Company Limited 1,036,669 1.84 1,162,630 2.06
9. SANASA Life Insurance Company Ltd. (Life) 910,708 1.62 910,708 1.62
10. Sampath Bank PLC/Dr T Senthilverl 871,885 1.55 871,885 1.55
11. Sanasa Federation Ltd. 720,024 1.28 720,024 1.28
12. Polgahawela Sanasa Societies Union Ltd. 387,314 0.69 387,314 0.69
13. Hambanthota DTCCS Union Ltd. 384,257 0.68 384,257 0.68
14. Dr T Senthilverl 373,598 0.66 373,598 0.66
15. Mr D P Pieris 257,067 0.46 257,067 0.46
16. Kotikawatta Thrift and Credit Co-operative Society Limited 253,896 0.45
17. Polgahawela SANASA Shareholders Trust Company Ltd. 240,836 0.43 238,667 0.42
18. Sampath Bank PLC/Mr Arunasalam Sithampalam 224,333 0.40 224,333 0.40
19. Dr S Yaddehige 205,653 0.37 205,653 0.37
20. Kamburupitiya City SANASA Society Ltd. 181,209 0.32  181,209  0.32
Total 35,440,786 62.94 35,046,821 62.24

* Shares held by Seylan Bank PLC/Dr Thirugnanasambandar Senthilverl has been transferred to the Seylan Bank PLC/Senthilverl Holdings (Pvt) Ltd. on 17 June 2019.

31 December 2019 31 December 2018
Number of shares % Number of shares %
Total number of shares registered 48,763,197 86.60 48,686,639 86.46
Total number of shares unregistered 7,545,055 13.40 7,621,613 13.54
Total number of shares issued 56,308,252 100 56,308,252 100
Shares held by Directors and CEO 199,450 0.35 75,243 0.13
Shares held by institutions 46,573,088 82.71 39,791,797 70.67
Balance held by others 9,535,714 16.94 16,441,212 29.20
Total number of shares issued 56,308,252 100 56,308,252 100
Shares held by public 56,107,533 99.64 56,231,740 99.86
Shares held by Directors, CEO and related parties 200,719 0.36 76,512 0.14
Total number of shares issued 56,308,252 100.00 56,308,252 100.00

Market capitalisation and minimum public holding

31 December 2019
Market capitalisation (LKR) 3,598,097,303
Public holding percentage 99.64
Float adjusted market capitalisation 3,585,271,359
Number of shareholders representing public holding 37,500
Required minimum public holding percentage under option 4 of Rule 7.13.1 (a) of the Listing Rules of the CSE (%) 10

The minimum public holding requirement of the Bank as at 31 December 2019 complied with under option 4 of Rule 7.13.1 (a) of the Listing Rules of the CSE.

Directors’ and CEO’s shareholding

Name 31 December 2019 31 December 2018
Number of shares % Number of shares %
Ms S Kiriwandeniya (Chairperson) 5,785 0.0103 5,785 0.0102
Mr P Subasinghe (Director) 69,341 0.1231 69,341 0.1231
Mr K G Wijerathne (Director) 117 0.0002 117 0.0002
Mr B R A Bandara (Director) 3,791 0.0067
Mr Thilak Piyadigama (CEO) 120,416 0.2139
Total 199,450 0.3542 75,243 0.1335

Share trading details

Market share trading

2019 2018 2017 2016 2015
Number of transactions 1,197,205 885,657 981,977 1,056,849 1,506,790
Number of shares traded (Mn.) 9,855 6,001 8,468 7,196 9,415
Annual turnover (LKR Mn.) 171,407.96 200,068.84 220,591.24 176,935.45 253,251.01
Average daily turnover (LKR Mn.) 711.23 833.62 915.43 737.23 1,059.63

SDB bank share trading

2019 2018 2017 2016 2015
Number of transactions 3,065 4,392 5,981 10,940 26,889
Number of shares traded 9,548,518 11,169,042 4,830,202 5,649,252 19,891,297
Value of shares traded (LKR Mn.) 579.51 1,199.97 500.47 725.61 2,667.29
Average daily turnover (LKR Mn.) 2.51 5.06 2.08 3.02 11.16

Market capitalisation details

CSE and banking industry market capitalisation

2019 2018 2017 2016 2015
CSE market capitalisation (LKR Bn.) 2,851.31 2,839.44 2,899.29 2,745.00 2,938.00
S & P SL20 (31/12) 2,936.96 3,135.18 3,671.72 3,496.44 3,625.69
All share price index (31/12) 6,129.21 6,052.37 6,369.26 6,228.26 6,894.50
Banking, finance and insurance sector
market capitalisation (LKR Bn.)
757.32 784.24 769.97 653.86 699.84

SDB bank market capitalisation

2019 2018 2017 2016 2015
CSE market capitalisation (LKR Bn.) 2,851.31 2,839.44 2,899.29 2,745.00 2,938.00
SDB bank market capitalisation (LKR Bn.) 3.59 4.22 5.58 4.36 6.32
Increase/decrease in market capitalisation of SDB bank (%) -15 -24 28 -31 84
SDB bank market capitalisation as a percentage of
CSE market capitalisation (%)
0.13 0.15 0.19 0.16 0.22
Market capitalisation rank of SDB bank 117 91 83 96 78

Share price movement

2019 2018 2017 2016 2015
Highest price (LKR) 75.00 112.90 122.50 158.80 176.00
Lowest price (LKR) 58.00 70.00 93.80 95.20 91.00
Price as at 31 December (LKR) 63.90 75.00 101.90 103.70 157.10


A dividend is a distribution of reward, from a portion of the Bank’s earnings, and is paid to the ordinary shareholders annually. The amount declared and paid each year varies in relation to the earnings of the Bank. It strikes a balance between a fair return to the shareholders for their investment and the business requirements to maintain the sustainability of the Bank.

Dividends are decided and managed by the Bank’s Board of Directors and they are approved by the shareholders through the exercise of their voting rights.

Year Profit for the year LKR Mn. Total cash dividend paid/ to be paid LKR Mn. Dividend per share LKR Dividend payout ratio
Dividend yield
2015 720.57 109.16 10.00 55.86 6.37
2016 403.72 131.24 7.50 78.13 7.23
2017 507.82 136.94 6.00 60.79 5.89
2018 356.95
2019 (To be paid) 253.41 112.62 7.00 155.55 10.95

Value delivered to shareholders

CSE market

2019 2018 2017 2016 2015
Market price-earnings ratio (PER) (Times) 10.83 9.65 10.60 12.37 17.98
Market price to book value (PBV) (Times) 1.14 1.18 1.31 1.42 1.99
Market dividend yield (DY) (%) 3.17 3.09 3.19 2.75 2.18

Banking industry

2019 2018 2017 2016 2015
Market price-earnings ratio (PER) (Times) 5.57 5.38 6.61 7.04 11.02
Market price to book value (PBV) (Times) 0.84 0.92 1.07 1.15 1.44
Market dividend yield (DY) (%) 2.70 2.80 2.50 3.30 3.00

SDB bank

2019 2018 2017 2016 2015
Net asset value per share (LKR) 136.20 132.28 133.83 131.22 131.62
Basic earnings per share (LKR) 4.50 6.34 9.87 9.60 17.90
Dividend per share (LKR) 7.00 6.00 7.50 10.00
Market price per share as at 31 December (LKR) 63.90 75.00 101.90 103.70 157.10
Price-earnings ratio (PER) (Times) 14.20 11.83 10.32 10.80 8.78
Price to book value (PBV) (Times) 0.47 0.57 0.76 0.79 1.19
Dividend yield (DY) (%) 10.95 5.89 7.23 6.37
Dividend payout (%) 155.55 60.79 78.13 55.86
Number of shares (Mn.) 56.31 56.31 54.78 42.06 40.25
Number of shareholders 37,506 37,648 38,283 39,374 40,283
Total equity (LKR Mn.) 7,668.98 7,448.73 7,331.16 5,519.28 5,297.35
Stated capital (LKR Mn.) 5,921.54 5,921.54 5,758.69 4,062.96 3,794.09
Debt to equity (Times) 12.77 11.83 10.09 10.75 10.12
Interest cover (Times) 1.06 1.08 1.11 1.13 1.34
Return on equity (%) 3.35 4.83 7.90 7.46 14.42
Earnings growth (%) (9) (14.41) 22 (43.97) 42.84
Quick assets ratio (%) 0.59 0.65 0.63 0.65 0.55

Other information for ordinary shareholders

Record of scrip issue

Year New proportion Old proportion Number of shares listed Date listed
2017 1 22.8533 2,279,147 12 June 2017

Record of rights issue (2014)

Code Close price LKR Highest price LKR Lowest price LKR Turnover LKR Number of shares Trades
SDB.R0000 15.00 24.00 10.70 31,153,089.00 2,191,458 1,717
Date of allotment Number of shares provisionally allotted Consideration per share LKR Final allotment number of shares Amount raised LKR Proportion Date issued
18 November 2014 12,587,661 80.00 12,587,661 1,007,012,880.00 1:2 30 December 2014

Utilisation of funds raised through rights issue

Objective as per circular Amount allocated as per circular in LKR Proposed date of utilisation as per circular Amount allocated from proceeds in LKR Percentage of total proceeds Amounts utilised in LKR Percentage of utilisation against allocation
1 To increase the Bank’s capital base and to finance portfolio growth whilst strengthening the balance sheet 1,007,012,880 Nine months from the date of allotment 1,007,012,880 100 1,007,012,880 100

Value creation for debenture holders

Basic information of the debentures

Type B Type D
Tenure 5 years 5 years
Issue date 31.12. 2015 31.12. 2015
Maturity date 31.12. 2020 31.12. 2020
Frequency of interest payable Semi-annual Semi-annual
Market value Not traded Not traded

Other information of the debentures

2019 2018
Balance as at 31 December LKR ’000 Coupon rate % Annual effective rate % Interest rate of comparable Government Securities % Balance as at 31 December LKR ’000 Coupon rate
Annual effective rate
Interest rate of comparable Government Securities
Type B 422,906 10.00 10.25 9.72 422,906 10.00 10.25 11.58
Type D 591,128 10.30 10.57 9.72 591,128 10.30 10.57 11.58

Utilisation of funds raised through debenture issue

Objective Number Objective as per prospectus Amount allocated as per prospectus in LKR Proposed date of utilisation as per Prospectus Amount allocated from proceeds in LKR Percentage of total proceeds Amounts utilised in LKR Percentage of utilisation against allocation
1 To raise medium term funds to manage assets and liability mismatch and to minimise the interest rate risk 100
2 To finance the budgeted lending portfolio (approximately 90% as loans and the balance as leasing) and to minimise the mismatch in funding exposure 964,560,000 In the ordinary course business within the
next 12 months from the date of allotment
868,104,000 for
loans and 96,456,000 for leasing
100 964,560,000 100